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Showing posts from May, 2020

FIRST PY-GAME with Python PART 6 - framerate speed up

Watch movie with Pygame and tkinter free App

Tkinter from skratch 1: make a window

To make a window in tkinter you must write the following code on notepad and save it as a file, or with another name: # this is a comment, the interpreter does not matter about this # to write a comment, simply start with an hastag symbol, i.e. '#' # You need to import tkinter, a buil-in module, there's no # need to install anything # I imported tkinter as tk, so now I can load tkinter's variables, functions and classes # using tk followd by a dot and then the name of the variable, function etc. import tkinter as tk root = tk.Tk() root.mainloop() # that's all, the window is ready to show up This is the output