Just put this code in: from pptx import Presentation prs = Presentation() def slide(number=0): title_slide_layout = prs.slide_layouts[number] slide = prs.slides.add_slide(title_slide_layout) title = slide.shapes.title subtitle = slide.placeholders[1] title.text = file.readline() file.readline() subtitle.text = file.readline() file.readline() # salta la riga vuota with open("imprese_produzione.txt", 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: file_lenght = len(file.readlines()) file.seek(0) slide(0) for i in range(int(file_lenght / 4)): slide(1) prs.save('test.pptx') The txt file is something like this (respect the newlines: Il Marketing Aspetti generali Imprese orientate alla produzione Un'impresa orientata alla produzione ritiene che...
How to program with the python language together with tkinter, pygame etc.